Shanghai Chongming District Government delegation visit Wageningen University & Research and Lankuai
Time:2019-05-23 Click:922

In 21st May 2019, delegation from Shanghai Chongming District government visited WUR and LAD Europe Branch. Professor Paul Struik, on behalf of WUR, warmly welcomed the delegation. He introduced the ideal of agricultural development golden triangle model and looking forward to the sustainable cooperation between LAD, Chongming government and WUR together to solve the agricultural problems in China.


During this visit, major members of LAD Europe Branch, such as Dr. Tian Qian, phD students Xiaohan Zhou, Dong wang and Xinyuan Min introduced the research progress of “Big Data Quantification and Modelling for Moderen Agriculture in China” project and its application situation in Chongming District to the delegation.


Dr. Haolv Shang, on behalf of LAD, introduce the idea of establishing “LAD Agricultural Technology College” in Chongming District. District Mayor, Mr. Zheng Li strongly endorsed the educational ideas of LAD. He invited LAD to further discuss this issue with Chongming government.
